English version

Information on the priority

The major aim of the Programme is to increase the level of investment attractiveness of Poland and its regions through developing technical infrastructure, as well as protecting and improving environment and people's health, preserving cultural identity, and developing territorial cohesion.

Within the OPI&E programme, culture-related tasks may be carried out as part of the 11th priority Culture and cultural heritage.

The 11th Priority Culture and cultural heritage

The main objective of the priority is:

Exploiting the potential of culture and cultural heritage that is of significance to Europe and the whole world, in order to increase Poland's attractiveness.

Specific aims of the priority:

1.      Protecting and maintaining cultural heritage of over-regional importance

2.      Developing and improving the state of cultural infrastructure of over-regional importance

3.      The infrastructure of artistic schooling

The priority includes providing complementary support for the development and modernisation of cultural infrastructure and artistic schooling, as well as safeguarding cultural heritage of importance in Europe and throughout the world, particularly the monuments inscribed on the UNESCO List of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the ones that have been granted the historic monument status by the President of the Republic of Poland.

The underlying idea behind the priority is that culture and the Polish cultural heritage constitute one of the key elements that enhance the country's positive image determining its identification and perception on the part of outsiders, an element of strategic advantage in the process of defining Poland's place and position in the European Union. Increasing and maximising the sense of regional and national identity, culture plays an important role in social life. it is also a universal tool for fostering international collaboration and shaping Europe's common cultural and social identity.

Predicted effects of the fulfilment of the priority:

  • an improvement of the state of maintenance of immobile monuments,
  • an improvement of the state of maintenance of mobile monuments,
  • a development and improvement of the state of cultural infrastructure of over-regional importance,
  • an increase in the country's attractiveness for its inhabitants, tourists and investors,
  • an improvement of the state of educational infrastructure of schools and artistic universities.


Description of the priority activities:

Activity 11.1. Protecting and maintaining cultural heritage of over-regional importance

Aims of the activity:

Preservation, maintenance and effective use of cultural heritage of over-regional importance

Types of projects to be realised as part of the activity include:

  • revitalisation, restoration, conservation, renovation, maintenance, as well as adaptation for cultural purposes of buildings included in the register of monuments as well as the complexes of these buildings with their precincts;
  • purchase and renovation of permanent equipment necessary for undertaking cultural activities at buildings that are an aim of the project (just one of the elements of the project);
  • restoration of museum items of historical value, antique books, as well as book and film collections;
  • safeguarding monuments from theft and damage;
  • expanding digital collections in the field of culture, which includes digitalisation of historic library, museum and archival collections, as well as film collections;
  • establishing virtual institutions of culture (concerns the use of historic collections for this purpose);

Within one complex project, one beneficiary may perform various types of the aforementioned activities. Construction and restoration investments realised as part of the activity entail works carried out on historic buildings and their precincts.

Types of beneficiaries:

  • cultural institutions (state, self-governmental and the ones co-operated by the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage);
  • units of local authorities;
  • churches and religious associations;
  • non-governmental organisations;
  • the state archives;
  • artistic schools (for which the authority is the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage or units of self-government government), only within the scope of tasks related to digitalisation of historic collections, restoration of mobile monuments as well as safeguarding them from theft and damage;
  • artistic universities (overseen by the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage) only within the scope of tasks related to digitalisation of historic collections, restoration of mobile monuments as well as safeguarding them from theft and damage;
  • public, non-artistic universities, only within the scope of tasks related to digitalisation of historic collections, restoration of mobile monuments as well as safeguarding them from theft and damage;
  • partnerships established as part of the activity by entities included in the catalogue of beneficiaries.

The value of the project:

The minimum value of the project amounts to PLN 20 million (including the partnerships established with the purpose of the realisation of the project). For projects related to only:

1.      restoration of mobile monuments;

2.      expanding digital collections in the field of culture, which includes digitalisation of historic library, museum and archival collections, as well as film collections;

3.      safeguarding monuments from theft and damage;

4.      establishing virtual institutions of culture (concerns the use of historic collections for this purpose), including the ones operated as part of a project partnerships - the minimum value of the project amounts to PLN 4 million.

Apart from that, for all types of projects realised by state-owned cultural institutions and the ones co-operated by the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage, as well as the state archives and the types of school and artistic universities authorised by the activity, the minimum value of the project amounts to PLN 4 million.

Allocation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the activity 11.1: EUR 126.9 million

Activity 11.2. Developing and improving the state of cultural infrastructure of over-regional importance

The aim of the activity:

Developing and improving the state of cultural infrastructure of over-regional importance and widening access to culture.

Types of projects to be realised as part of the activity include:

  • construction, expansion, renovation and conversion of cultural institutions;
  • purchase and renovation of permanent equipment necessary for undertaking cultural activities (just one of the elements of the project);

Types of beneficiaries:

  • cultural institutions (state, self-governmental and co-operated by the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage);
  • non-governmental organisations;
  • churches and religious associations;
  • the state archives;
  • units of local authorities
  • partnerships established as part of the activity by entities included in the catalogue of beneficiaries.

The value of the project:

The minimum value of the project amounts to PLN 20 million (including the partnerships established with the purpose of the realisation of the project).

For projects realised by state-owned cultural institutions and the ones co-operated by the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage, as well as the state archives, the minimum value of the project amounts to PLN 4 million.

Allocation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the activity 11.2: EUR 302 million

Activity 11.3. Infrastructure of artistic schooling

The aims of the activity:

Development of the infrastructure of artistic schooling

Types of projects to be realised as part of the activity include:

  • construction, expansion, renovation and conversion of cultural institutions;
  • purchase and renovation of permanent equipment necessary for undertaking cultural activities (just one of the elements of the project);
  • digitalisation of library collections owned by artistic schools and universities (as one of the elements of the project);

Types of beneficiaries:

  • artistic schools for which the authority is the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage or units of self-government government;
  • artistic universities overseen by the minister in charge of culture and protection of national heritage;
  • units of the local government serving as the authority for artistic schools (on the behalf of schools);
  • partnerships established as part of the activity by entities included in the catalogue of beneficiaries.

The value of the project:

The minimum value of the project amounts to PLN 4 million. The minimum value of a project realised as part of a partnership amounts to PLN 20 million.

Allocation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the activity 11.3: EUR 124,6 million

Key projects


Detailed information on the 11th priority Culture and cultural heritage OPI&E is available from the staff of the European Funds Department of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage: tel. 0-22 42 10 302, email: poiis@mkidn.gov.pl
The website financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget as part of the technical help provided by the Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Environment"

The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage - European Funds Department, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17, 00-071 Warsaw

Strona internetowa finansowana przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz budżetu państwa w ramach pomocy technicznej Programu Operacyjnego "Infrastruktura i Środowisko"
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Departament Funduszy Europejskich, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17, 00-071 Warszawa
odsłony:2234496, wizyty:1707284